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Darrell Gardner, a New Orleans, LA. native was introduced to horses at the age of 15.  At 23, Gardner embraced horses as his newfound passion in life and began riding and studying more seriously. Gardner started working as a stable hand at Farr Park Equestrian Center, to then climbing the ladder to becoming a riding instructor and the Head Therapeutic Trainer.

In 2014, Darrell participated in the annual Mustang Makeover which was the highlight of his career as a horseman. In 2015, his horse, Texas, was the highest selling horse at the Fort Worth Mustang Makeover. In, 2016 Gardner was a top ten finalist at the Mustang Makeover in Jacksonville Florida. Gardner was also a participant in the 2018 USA Colt Starting Challenge, where he was a top five finalist. In 2020, Gardner participated in the Mule Makeover with the highest selling Mule.

Gardner has a unique style and technique that has brought horse owners his way from around the country.

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